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Another Trend A032
Another Trend A032
Another Trend A032

Another Trend A032

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A classic design that always will be in fashion, a versatile sneaker for any occasion. 100% leather, on a rubber sole. The interior is responsibly made using primarily a synthetic vegan leather. Designed in Spain and handcrafted in Portugal. Every detail goes through specialized hands guaranteeing the best result. Enjoy every single step with Another Trend Material Leather Fitting Standard Removeable Insole Yes
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A classic design that always will be in fashion, a versatile sneaker for any occasion.

100% leather, on a rubber sole. The interior is responsibly made using primarily a synthetic vegan leather.

Designed in Spain and handcrafted in Portugal. Every detail goes through specialized hands guaranteeing the best result. Enjoy every single step with Another Trend

Material Leather

Fitting Standard

Removeable Insole Yes

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